In addition to conserving soil moisture, mulch protects the trunk from mechanical damage and helps keep soil temperatures cool. Provide 3 to 4 inches of mulch beneath the canopy, covering any surface roots exposed. Feeding roots on many maples are shallow, preventing good growth of turf beneath the canopy. Wounds expose the tree to greater susceptibility to disease and insects. The bark is thin on most maples, and easily damaged by mechanical impact.

Slow-growing maples have hard wood (“hard maples “) and require less maintenance. Some fast-growing maples (red and silver maples) are soft-wooded (“soft maples”) and prone to breakage in ice storms. Problems: Maples may be troubled by borers, aphids, scales, leaf spots, tar spot, anthracnose, bacterial leaf scorch, canker and collar rot. Some should be protected from the sun to prevent leaf scorch and provided irrigation.
Most thrive in full sun or partial shade. Red and silver maples thrive in fairly wet soils. Most do well in a fairly wide soil pH range, although many favor slightly acid soil. The ideal soil for most maples is rich, porous and well-drained. There is such a wide variety of form and size that landscape use is dependent on the species being used. Landscape Use: Maples may be used as lawn specimens, screens, patio trees, hedges, border accents and even container plants. These “whirlybirds” are interesting to watch as they fall to the ground, and are attractive to wildlife. Commonly called a key, it consists of a pair of compressed bony nutlets joined together, each with an elongated, membranous wing. The dry, winged fruit is called a samara and is characteristic of all maples. Others are characterized by interesting bark features. Some species have showy red flowers that appear in late winter before the leaves emerge in the spring. Many are noted for their large size and are used as shade trees, while others are valued for their delicacy and are used as accents. Ornamental Features: Most maples are valued for their spectacular fall leaf colors, which range from muted yellow to bright orange and red. Growth Rate: Growth rate is varied, depending on the species. Mature Height/Spread: Maples vary in size from a small Japanese maple (8 feet) to a large sugar maple (100 feet). griseum) are not suited to the Coastal Plains. leucoderme) are adapted to all areas of South Carolina. Red maple ( Acer rubrum), Japanese maple ( A. They may be narrow and columnar, wide spreading and round-headed or low and mounded. Maples ( Acer species) are deciduous trees (sometimes shrubs) often grown for the shade they produce and their exceptional autumn color. Joey Williamson, ©HGIC, Clemson Extension Japanese maple ( Acer palmatum) in full fall color.