Before updating your LinkedIn profile, you must change the “visibility of your LinkedIn activity” settings. If you work in any role before this date, it is strongly advised that you remove it from your LinkedIn profile. Roles that you might want to keep an eye on in the last 10-15 years of your career. As a result, if you have worked on a job that is no longer relevant to your career, you can remove it from your Experience section on your profile. By following the steps listed below, you can delete your LinkedIn job post. LinkedIn does not allow you to email job posts. It will delete the job post that was selected. After that, you’ll be able to choose Close Job. To manage a job, click the Manage Job icon in the menu. When you click on More, the menu will appear. In the case of a job post, the LinkedIn operator may delete it for a variety of reasons. Having a job on LinkedIn may not be beneficial or relevant to your career objectives. Once the job post has been completed, it will be deleted from the LinkedIn platform. In the following step, select More in the title of the job. Before proceeding, make sure you have all of the jobs you want to delete. The following steps will walk you through the process of deleting a job post on LinkedIn on your phone. While using a mobile phone or a personal computer, it is possible to delete a job post on LinkedIn. This article will assist you in carrying out the tasks in case such a position does not exist any longer.

Your job will now be removed from your LinkedIn profile. In the Edit Position window, click the trash can icon next to the Save button. Hover over the position you want to delete and click the pencil icon that appears.

Log in to LinkedIn and go to your profile. Whatever the reason, you can remove jobs from your LinkedIn profile without adding a new one. Or maybe you’re in the process of switching careers and don’t want your current job to pigeonhole you. Maybe you’ve been laid off and don’t want that to be the first thing potential employers see. There are a few reasons you might want to delete a job from your LinkedIn profile.